BA (Hons) MA, ACIfA, Project Officer, Health & Safety Manager
Siân began working for Archaeology Wales in 2013 when she joined as a supervisor, working on a number of projects before taking a break to study for her PhD. She re-joined early in 2016 and was promoted to Project Officer. Since then Siân has taken the lead on the excavation of a large multi-phase site at Newport before moving on to lead a team as part of the EAOne Offshore Wind farm Project in Suffolk. Siân is Archaeology Wales’ Health and Safety Manager, having completed the IOSH Level 3 Managing Safely course. She is responsible for all aspects of health and safety within the company and ensuring staff are fully trained to carry out their work safely.
Previously, Siân has worked for other commercial archaeological companies and participated in a number of university research excavations. She helped to run the University of Bristol’s training excavation for over 10 years. As part of their Berkeley Castle Project, Siân was part of a team that won the 2016 Current Archaeology Award for Research Excavation.
Siân is particularly interested in the Iron Age and Romano-British period. Her Ph.D. studies looked at how material culture was used during these periods by communities in the south-west of England.